Looking for a fast loan? Want quick cash? There is an alternative. Instead of a loan, why not earn cash with 62days.com? 62days.com offers you instant cash, no charges and no checks. You then get 62 days to return the cash or choose to keep it. It’s fast, but it’s not a fast loan, it’s better.
So how does it work? At 62days.com, we buy your valuable items for cash then give you 62 days to buy them back for exactly the same cost. You get cash you can spend as you like with 62 days to choose whether to swap the cash back for your item or keep it. So whether you want to sell diamonds, sell gold, sell art, sell antiques or sell valuables, 62days.com offers you a quick, easy and open solution to getting a quick loan.
Want to find out why 62days.com is better than a fast loan? Read on or get started now.
Why choose 62days.com instead of a fast loan?
If you want quick cash, a fast loan might seem like the answer, but there is a better solution. So, why should you select 62days.com over a fast loan?
It’s Simple: all you need to do is upload some photos of your item or describe it and we’ll provide you with a quote in minutes!
No checks: no need to deal with credit checks or confirmations.
No charges: unlike fast loans, we don’t charge you anything for using 62days.com or for holding onto the cash. Everything is free.
Instant cash: as soon as our experts have confirmed that your item matches its description, you get quick cash directly into your account.
Secure service: 62days.com is dedicated to ensuring your online safety, including using only the most secure of payment methods such as PayPal, Google Checkout, Neteller, MoneyBookers and Lloyds.
62 days to change your mind: You can use the cash as you like with 62 days to choose whether to keep it or use it to buyback your item for exactly the same price.
Fast loans charge you interest and depend on your credit rating. On the other hand, with 62days.com is just a matter of instant cash for your items with no charges and nothing to lose!
How to get fast cash instead of a fast loan
Ready to choose 62days.com over a fast loan? Here’s how:
Quick Quote: Just upload some photos of your item and we’ll provide you with a quote in a few minutes.
Free collection: your item will be collected by FedEx courier. It’s free, secure, insured and fully trackable.
Fast cash: once we’ve verified your item, your cash is transferred directly into your account.
So, if you’re looking for fast cash without fast loans, get started now. Want more information? Give us a call.